do you fancy some icecream?
it is sooooo hot and humid outside today, i am this close to running around in my underwear!
i was dying for some icecream all afternoon and yet i could not bring myself to quickly rub some sunlotion on my freckled skin, jump into my brandnew crocs and run to the grocery store - yes, run. that's how bad i wanted icecream. my spirit was really willing but my flesh was sooooo weak ...
i was so terribly powerless because of all that humidity that not even my craving for icecream could drive me out of my shady flat. so i had to come up with another idea for sweet and cool relief. i stuck my head in the freezer compartment and found the answer in a pack of frozen berries in the very back:
put 300 g of frozen fruit and 250 g of cremefin (maybe even yoghurt will work here) plus one tablespoon of your favorite sweetening (i took agave syrup) in a food processor and blizz for a few secondsthis might not be the most sophisticated way to make icecream, but it sure is a darn good quick fix! oh so yummie!!
et voila!
makes two people incredibly happy within 3 minutes (or makes yourself happy twice if you freeze half of the icecream)

6 Kommentare:
Yes, here it is also very hot and humid! Your ice-cream looks delicious! Just the right thing to eat when the weather's making you slow down...
There're absolutely nothing wrong with that method Gerda, it's how I made my ice cream before I got my Krupps ice cream maker. I can think of nothing more refreshing on a hot day than ice cold Summer berries! It's been scorching here too, I've caught a bit of sun today while fly-fishing in Surrey with college
Diese Methode Eis herzustellen ist echt klasse! Wir haben sie bei einer Tim-Mälzer-Show kennengelernt, wo er es mit gefrorenen Bananen und Kokosmilch vorgeführt hat. Wirklich sehr zu empfehlen!
Spülkönig & Kitchenqueen
diese von mir per zufall und aus mangel an motivation entdeckte zubereitungsart wurde schon im TV vorgeführt?
ich bin also doch nicht so kreativ beim kochen, wie ich dachte ...
Hey! I am studying here in Salzburg, and I came across your blog while I was looking up a recipe for knoblauchsuppe, and I love it! It is fun and interesting, and has such yummy looking recipes; I can't wait to try them's just too bad that my dorm kitchen is so un-stocked. I'm still used to my American kitchen with everything that I need. Anyways, I look forward to reading more of your blog!
I'd love some of your ice cream Gerda! But it's getting too cold here to even contemplate having it.
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