21. März 2007

so there you go

i was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis today.

i wanted to tell nobody about this at first, but now, a few hours after the diagnosis (and the immediate start of treatment with IV-cortisone for any current symptoms) i feel the strange desire to post it on all of my webpages.

like, really ALL of them.

i marked some recent photos on flickr with MS, i made an entry in my private german weblog where i tend to blah-blah-blah most of the time ... and i want to tell you people here too. your support over the last few weeks was truly overwhelming.

thank you so much!

i just love the show "scrubs" and i want to post a quote from S06E01 "my mirror image" that fits quite well today: "it's not like i can change what's already happended. the only thing to do is move forward and deal with it" ... this picture is very inspiring too ...

oh yes and spring starts today too (although a cold wave brought chilly temperatures and snow a few days ago - can you believe that?! virtually the first "serious snow" we had here this "winter") ... "springtime is seen as a time of growth, renewal, of new life being born, and of the cycle of life once again starting. It is also used more generally as the start of better times ..."

11 Kommentare:

Karen hat gesagt…

Really sorry to hear that. I don't know what to say, but there are good things ahead, waiting for you, i'm sure. Be brave. I'm here sending you my best vibes.

Celine hat gesagt…

Gerda, I'm amazed by how strong you have been already. Stay strong and positive! Karen's right, there will be good things ahead.

Rosa's Yummy Yums hat gesagt…

I am very sorry to hear that. Stay strong, combative and always positive. Hold on to what has an importance in your life. Good things are awaiting you, I'm sure.
In thoughts with you...

Bonnie hat gesagt…


I truly am sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you. Be safe and take care of yourself.

Anonym hat gesagt…

I send you hugs and many positive thoughts from here in Australia! I agree with everyone else - try and remain strong and think positive and look to all the good that is still there...

Trig hat gesagt…

Gerda, please drop me an email at aidan.brooks@blueyonder.co.uk so I get your email address. I want to say some things to you off-line.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo Gerda,
deine Nachricht hat mich eben voll geschockt. Das Leben schlägt manchmal brutal zu und reisst einem aus dem ach so normalen Trott. Lass dich nicht unterkriegen, du hast viele Menschen, die dir das Beste wünschen!

Anne hat gesagt…

I am sorry to hear that, but I know you will continue to thrive. I look forward to reading your blog every single day and will continue to drop in daily! So keep cooking and blogging...I am excited for all the delicious food you will make in the future!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Gerda, ich weiss garnicht was ich sagen soll. Ich hatte die letzten Wochen so viel um die Ohren mit College und Arbeit und habe nun endlich etwas Zeit um wieder Food Blogs zu lesen (und an meinem zu Schreiben)

Ich drueck dich ganz fest und lass mich wissen wenn du etwas brauchst (Und wenn ich dir nur ein Foodie Package aus Chicago schicken kann, lass es mich wissen!)

Anita (Married... with dinner) hat gesagt…

Obviously I am WAY behind on my blog reading; I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. It feels impossible to say anything meaningful in these situations, but I wanted you to know you're in my thoughts. I'm wishing you strength, from within and from your circle of friends and family.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Gerda, I really have no idea how I wandered over to your blog today -- well, from Tea and Cookies most immediately, but what took me to her, I have no idea. At any rate, I have bookmarked your site, and am adding my voice to those others who are sending love your way from afar (in my case, California) My husband has multiple sclerosis, and has had wonderful success being on Avonex for many years. I know your own medical team will be making appropriate suggestions for your care, and I fully believe that "thriving" (to borrow a word from your earlier commenter) is entirely possible with today's medical miracles. My fingers are crossed that all goes well for you.